Jumlah PUS - Statistical Data - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Padang Municipality

Help us get better by completing this Data Needs Survey via the following link: s.bps.go.id/skd2024_1371. give your assessment of the services we have provided both online and coming to the integrated Statistical Service (PST) of BPS-Statistic  padang municipality. Charging instructions can also be accessed at the following link: s.bps.go.id/panduanskd_1371


Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik                                                                                     Kota Padang                                                                                             (BPS-Satistics Padang Municipality)                                                           Jl. By Pass KM. 13 Kel. Sungai Sapih Kec. Kuranji Padang 25159              Telp. (0751) 498515                                                                               Mailbox: bps1371@bps.go.id                               


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