" WE CAN DO IT " - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Padang Municipality

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November 29, 2018 | Other Activities

Alhamdulillah, because the Head of the Padang City BPS was attending the Out-of-City service assignment, the challenge message given to the Acting Head of Padang City BPS was to invite Padang City BPS personnel to take a photo together with the GUIDELINES or LEADERS at the Commemoration of this year's KORPRI Anniversary November 2018. Alhamdulillah is realized and realized thanks to the FULL SPIRIT OF CHALLENGES. Of course all of that is impossible to do just like that without the support of all parties and the fruit of Good Coordination that has been built and established so far between BPS and the Padang City Government. Our permission is expressed thanks to the Honorable Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Regional Secretary of the City of Padang and hopefully the City of Padang will continue to 'Keep Moving Forward'.

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Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik                                                                                     Kota Padang                                                                                             (BPS-Satistics Padang Municipality)                                                           Jl. By Pass KM. 13 Kel. Sungai Sapih Kec. Kuranji Padang 25159              Telp. (0751) 498515                                                                               Mailbox: bps1371@bps.go.id                               





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